Sunday, June 16, 2019

NGOs, IGOs, and other international organizations in Afghanistan or Research Paper

NGOs, IGOs, and otherwise international organizations in Afghanistan or Africa for Humanitarian efforts - Research composition ExampleIn some(prenominal) crises where the US phalanx gets involved, USAID offers a communication link between military and improver agencies.2 However, in Afghanistan security concerns hindered AID ab initio because the communication link was not available since NGO workers complained that soldiers encroached in their domain by engaging in humanitarian work instead of offering security. In Afghanistan, the US army placed Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) of roughly 100 military combat personnel and extra civil affairs personnel in districts across the nation. These teams created military presence in remote areas thus offering limited security darn aiding to respond to the needs of the people in the country, while the US forces withdrew from urban areas. Despite the shift, three years later violence in the country noticeably increase resulting in i ncreased attacks targeting the civilians. The afghan Taliban forces increased their attacks against NATO, the countrys troops and increasingly engaged in suicide bombings targeting the military and civilians. 3 Despite the different perspectives, interdependence between international organizations, NGOs, bestower organizations and the military is apparent and is a result of overlapping tasks and inadequate resources available in mission areas. Therefore, military and civil operations influence one other in all levels thus the risk of counteracting one another. Nevertheless, successfully integrated civilian and military efforts in complex emergencies are crucial to flourishing eternal sleep efforts and reconstruction although, there is a risk of humanitarian organizations being associated with potentially unwelcome military force thus losing their protective gloss of neutrality. Many humanitarian organizations focus on delivering humanitarian help in on going conflict thus integra tion is deeply objectionable therefore, they easily interact with military forces. In disrupted societies like Afghanistan, with huge dysfunctional authorities and continuous hostilities make the conditions for fruitful civil-military cooperation poor.4 Despite problems caused by military involvement in assisting civilians, other coordination efforts like UN agencies and NGOs were successful in working together. The World Food Program reportedly delivered enormous amount of food in 2001 and credited its staff, donors and NGO implementing partners. However, the governmental future of Afghanistan may be in limbo, the humanitarian outcome of American-led war and subsequent relief effort could be termed as a success with estimate to the number of people served, quality of service and health of the population. Moreover, access to people in need increased because of the fresh political conditions after the defeat of the Taliban. As well, the amount and diversity of services offered in m any regions of the nation increased like health and nutritional status for many people improved and many Afghans returned to their homes. The success was due to the humanitarian infrastructure established prior to 2001 and other things happening at the administrative level like provision of copious resources, differentiation in organizations and the high level of connectivity. 5 Nevertheless, there were differences evident in operational levels where humanitarian and military organizations overlapped or did not communicate, which could have

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